- Valpurgius (Apocalypse, Devouring Darknes, Flow Acid)
- 3 Preatorian Stalkers (with Enfoncer)
- 5 Necromutants (with Flamer)
- 5 Necromutants (with Flamer)
- Neronian Razide
- Immaculate Interceptor
- Immaculate Furies (2 + Leader)
- Doomsday Praclaimer
- 4 Karnophages
The first and the third battle was in Jungle. Second was Dungeons. All battles I fought was against Dark Legion. Enemys' Armies were very similiar to mine (that why I wanna change this roster). But nobody used Muawijhe. I won first two battles and I lost the last one. Soon some photos.
I was playing agains Dark Legion made of Hordes and Semai. The battle was very bloody and unexpectable in every turn. I won by killing every enemy member. Oh and we were fighting in night.
I'was playing against pure Horde Army this time. Dungeons were a great map for me. I've used all of my flame throwers, even Valpurgius flows his acid on enemys razide (killing him).
Karnphage that made my enemy angry very angry! He killed one full necromutant's squad (with tormentor). Real Hero.
Dark Legion again. This time Horde with Ilian. My enemy won previous Warzone Tournament (so I knew he was good). Trees were hell difficult obctacles. I lost this game, but there was one funny thing. I've wounded Vahl'Dread, and he panicked, then the geyzer's blowed and wounded vahl making him broken :) that was in a first turn!
PARTICIPANTS (I'm in the middle):