Ok. Here's Idea of Khorne Daemonic Army.
- Bloodthrister (Dark Insanity, Immortal Fury and Armour of Khorne)
- Herald of Khorne on Chariot of Khorne (Firestorm Blade and Armour of Khorne)
- Icon Bearer of Khorne on Chariot of Khorne (Firestorm Blade and Armour of Khorne)
- 10 Bloodletters of Khorne
- 10 Bloodletters of Khorne
- 10 Bloodletters of Khorne
- 5 Chaos Furies
- 5 Chaos Furies
- 5 Chaos Furies
- 5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne
- 5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne
- 5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne
- 5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne
Total: 2240
DESIGNER NOTES: Firstible, I want to have all minis on skull bases. Secondly I need a realy big Bloodthrister. I'm going to use Warhammer Giant to build him up. Probably LOTR Nightmare Wings. Also, my Greater Daemon of Khorne would use a big sword to make it the same as rest of army (since he's not using axe of Khorne). I need 2 Skulltakers to represent those Heralds. One with Standard from Bloodletters box. I'm going to build up some furies using ghouls. Not sure where to get wings for them. And the last part - the core of whole army is to get 20 warhounds of khorne!. They are very expensive, but I'll do my best to get them all new metal ones!
To complete the army I would buy Kharnak, a Skulltaker on foot, and maybe 3 Juggernought Bloodcrushers. I think i need some Bloodletter commands groups for having possibility to field them up. 5 more furies would be made. And that's all.
When I'd finish this army? Well thers're so much to do ant this would take probbably 4 months.