Second Lidd Babe

My best digital art so far! Check it out!

About Projects

Necromunda project is frozen. I'm still waiting for plasticard to make bases for my squad. I've also made conversions that were unfinished before. So there left only: a HMG backpack, Shotgun Weapon for Heavy, Autogun or Lasgun for other Heavy and some extra weapon for Leader. I donno iit should be a holster with boltpistol or a shotgun on his back.

Citadel Orcs army is frozen too. I need to clean them from previous users paints.

Dwarf Gangs for Mordheim are in the way. But of course this would take a while.

Spacewolves are waiting untill I finish exam session on University. The same for Space Hulks and Skavens.

Warzone is slowly going on. My Red Legion of Algeroth has another 2 minis painted and 8 more on the way. I'm going to finish painting and converting the Blood Bones Clan for Chronopia.

Also I've started new games: WW2 in 1/72 which is great. Not sure what army should I choose to start with, but I know I'll have Waffen SS (Command Squad, 2 Elite Squads with StG-44, Sniper, 2HMG, 2Panzerschreck, And some Heavy Armored Tanks.), American Infantry (lot of M1 Grand Rifles, Sniper, 2HMG Squads, Mortars, 3 Sherman Tanks, Maybe some Field Artillery) and Sovviet Infantry (lots of infantry with rifles, HMGs, Snipers and some SU-85 Tank Hunters)

Another new game is Warcanto. The Polish Wargame in the realms of Greatland. This is quite interesting game. I'll play few battles with proxies and If it would be good game I'm going in!

Also there will be another project: the Hard Orc miniatures. I'll start with some minis made according to those paintings bellow. But this can take a while.

One more Lidd

This time I've made a nude babe. This is Lidd Yougblood ared with spear. Check it out!


I'm going to make a model specially for Warcanto. This would be Shak'al, pack leader for Lidds Tribe. Here's a concept for that mini. Just tell me what you think.

Another Ilustracion for Warcanto

I'm gouing to try some more and more digital painting. Here's another paining made by me. This is supposed to be Lidd Hero enjoing dwarfs ;). Hope You like it.

Warcanto Shaman


Here's My first spot on Warcanto Game. Org'kka band need a spiritual Leader, and here's my vision of it. Of course it's the simplest version. But'll make it from minis bitz and green stuff. Tell me what you think.