CMON 20 Sad Padna

And finay here's my entry for CMON 20 Sad Panda from Dark Sword Miniatures. This Little Panda is Limited Edition. I hope you like how I did mine.

Sad Panda

I'm working on Sad Panda right now. Mini is almost finished, and so is base. I still need one more day to finish it. I'm also working on my Undead Warband. The Vampiress is a bit converted. I use two oryginal dregs, the third one is converted from various parts. I stil need to buy metal ghould from GW as plastic one just do not suit my taste.

Pszemek is painting Zulik's Dwarf Warband (there are 12 Dwarfs and a Halfling Scout). Three dwarves are done so far.

Harlequin Truppe Master

This is commisson work. Mini would be in a show case in nearest mini shop. Lots of work with those little checks. Hope you like it.

WarCanto Dwarf

Picture is still not the best one, but for this time it's the best I can do. Hope You like it.