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[Battle Report] Warlord: Necropolis vs Dwarves

This was my second Warlord battle. I've decided to make minor changes in my necropolis army. So here's squad I was playing this time.


Troop 1:

► Elsabeth Briarkiss

► 3x Crimson Knight

Troop 2:

► Graverot, Ghast

► 2x Ghast

► 2x Ghoul

► Malek, the Hated (that thing that let him keep his mana when spell is not successful)

TOTAL: 500pts


► Albatros Amulet

Troop 1:

► Ursula, Bear Rider (Book of Tactic, Magic Weapon)

► Ivar Silverfist

► Halberdier

► Mancatcher

► Swiftaxe

Troop 2:

► Hagard the Maimed

► Gilam, Rune Spelunker

► Halberdier

► Mancatcher

► Swiftaxe

Troop 3:

► Snorri Oathbreaker

TOTAL: 498pts


Battle was quite fast. Dwarfs were prepared to fight Elves (I still have to asemble my Darkreach army). Check out who had won.

Dwarfs are still in their deployment zone. I had to move first with all my units. Also, my enemy had 4 cards and I had only 2, that was pain.

I've moved ghouls nad ghasts into wood, so they would be safe for a while. Malek tried to cast a spell but he didn't succeed. Enemy moved closer with all units.

Snorri moved closer to Malek. Then I've decided to charge with ghouls on Snorri and with ghasts on rest of dwarves. Ghouls have killed Snorri. Last wound was made by poison (but the dwarf has killed my ghouls too). Ghasts have killed Halberdier and Ghast leader has killed Mancatcher.

Gilam cast a successful spell that made my Ghast leader burning and stunned. He died. Swiftaxe and Hagard have attacked ghasts and made one wound on each. In return ghasts made 2 wound on Hagard, but then he was healed by Ivar. Bear Rider and other Mancatcher and Halberdier have attacked my Vampiress. They made only one wound on her, but she has killed Mancatcher.

Gilam cast again the same spell on Crimson Knight, making him burning and stunned and with one wound from defensive strikes the vampire was dying. Ursula and Elsabeth have killed each other! Ghasts finaly killed swiftaxe and Hagard.

One Crimson knight has charged Halberdier, the other one has charged Gilam and both killed their targets. Ghasts ate Ivar.


Fist Battle without Warlords (those units are just too powerful, especially when you play 500pts). Malek is not good enought against Dwarves. Never so far did he cast a spell properly. I have to either change sorcerer or change tactic. He can be good with healing my own units. Crimson Knights are really tough killers! This unit is like elite in other factions.

I'm gonna make special army for next Warlord battle, hope I'm going to finish it before next battle.

[Battle Report] Mordheim: Undead vs Witch Hunters

We played Breakthrough scenario again. I was an attacker, again.


This is Terrain we used in this battle. So this was a breakthrought scenario, and objective was clear, I had to pass on the other side of town. I've devided my band into 2 teams of my undead. One with Monique, Andrew, Ian and 4 ghouls and second with rest of warband. Not the best tactic. Both units came into close combat. I've lost 4 men. 3 Ghuols and Andrew. And I have not pass a bottle test. I've put down 2 flagellants and one dog. In post-battle sequence it turned out that one flagellant was killed.


After battle I've already bought a new ghoul and one ghoul has finely advanced into hero! I definitely have to buy unholy relic for my Vampiress.

[Battle Report] KoW: Dwarves vs Abbysal Dwarves

Greetings! Here's a report of battle I've fought recently.We wanted a huge battle so we decided to have 2500pts of each army.

I was playing Abbysal Dwarves as I', more likely to play evil armies than good ones. So here's my army list:



Battle Standard



Obsidian Golem

Obsidian Golem

40 Blacksouls (mutated mastiffs, full command)

10 Decimators

10 Decimators

10 Decimators

20 Immortals (shields, full command)

20 Immortals (great weapons, full command)

10 Immortals (great weapons, full command)

5 Immortals (great weapons, full command)

20 berzerkers (great weapons)

Big Mortar

Big Mortar


Rocket Cannon

Rocket Cannon




TOTAL: 2500pts

My enemy was:






Berzerker Lord

40 Ironclads (mastiffs, full command)

20 Ironclads (mastiffs, full command)

20 Ironclads (mastiffs, full command)

20 Ironclads (mastiffs, full command)

20 Ironguards (full command)

20 Ironguards (full command)

20 Ironwatch (rifles)

10 Ironwatch (rifles)

10 Ironwatch (rifles)

10 Ironwatch




Organ Gun

Organ Gun

TOTAL: 2500pts