Chaos vs Chaos 2750

Hi there! I've played a big battle last night. I've decided to check how good is army i'm painting for sale. And I must admit it kick ass! The whole army was exacly for 2750.

played by Rafal Maj

- Exalted Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Chaos Undivided, 4th Level - Fire, Chaos Steed, Skull of Katam, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll) 394
- Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Chaos Undivided, 2nd Level - Fire, Chaos Chariot, Power Familiar) 290
- Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Chaos Undivided, 2nd Level - Fire, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll) 170
- Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Chaos Undivided, 2nd Level - Fire, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll) 170

- 10 Chosen Chaos Knights (Mark of Chaos Undivided, Full Command, War Banner) 525
- 20 Chaos Warriors (Mark of Chaos Undivided, Shield, Full Command, Standard of Wrath) 380
- 20 Chaos Warriors (Mark of Chaos Undivided, Shield, Full Command) 330

- 3 Chaos Ogres (Heavy Armour, Extra Hand Weapon, Big Chaos Ogre) 146

- Chaos Giant (Mutant Monstrosity)

played by Pszemek

- Exalted Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Nurgle, 4th Level - Nurgle, Power Familiar, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll) 420
- Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Chaos Undivided, 2nd Level - Shadow, Chaos Chariot, Power Stone, Power Stone) 170
- Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Chaos Undivided, 2nd Level, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll) 176

- 4 Chaos Knights (Standard) 172
- 19 Chosen Warriors of Nurgle (Mark of Nurgle, Extra Hand Weapon, Standard, Champion) 511
- 20 Marauders (Light Armour, Shield, Full Command) 165
- 5 Horsemen Marauders (Shield, Standard, Chieftain) 99
- 5 Horsemen Marauders (Shield, Standard, Chieftain) 99
- 20 Warhounds 120

- 3 Chaos Trolls 165
- 10 Chaos Furies 150

- Dragon Ogre Shaggoth (Light Armour) 298
- Chaos Giant 205

The game wass totally messed up. We started at 4 A.M. that was not the brightest idea. We were sleepy, but we played to the end.

We had 3 mistcasts in this game (but nothing bad happned), The giants were fighting each other starting from turn 2 to the last one. Mine won that challange with a little help of Ogres. The magic did a great job. It break unit of Chosen Warriors, and weaken Shaggoth (he left with 1 wound them my chosen cavalry killed him). Enemy Knigts charged in front on my unit of regular chaos warriors and after combat they run away! Then I flanked Marauders and make them run away too. Some magic killed Marauder Horsemen. Trolls run away from chariots charge.

This is really short story. I did masacre on his army. I think This army is really hard! I don't really want to sell it but I have to. I need some money to by an engagement ring :) for my beloved Iza. By this time I'm in the middle of painting Cavalry Unit. Hope to finish soon.

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