Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Just after Holidays I'll post pictures of painted minis. There will be:
- Hearthbreaker Druid or Mage
- Warhamer Champions of Chaos (Slaanesh Masque, Khorne Champion, Nurgle Sorcerer, Wulfrik, Khorne Lord on Jaggernought)
- Konrad von Carstein
- Probbably some Warzone Dark Legion Minis.
- Maybe some Chronopia Dwarves. They still need a lot of work.
- Some Terrain pieces. I've made jerry cans for use with Warzone and 40k.

Stay Tuned. Best Wishies!

Blood Bone Clan in Progress


Here are Dwarves ready for undercoating! Because there will be a lot of metal areas I'll prime it black.This is Legion unit. I'm going to make some more Clawsmen so I  may field them as Flayers. Also, I'm going to make a Standard Bearer (from Gauntlet warrior) for ths Legion unit. Leader is on cork, so he is a bit more standing out, and even player that do not know whole range of Chronopia will easily note that he's in command here.

Axemen! Nothig will ever change here. This unit is perfect. There was a broken mini so I fixed it with Green Stuff.  Axe Leader is also on cork.
Yeeeehaw! Warhammers! Those are heavy armored troops with huge hammers! I used Vulture Clan Mallet Warriors. I've changed shoulder pads, helmets, mallets and feets. Hope you like them! This is my fvourite unit so far!

Ther is no Mauler yet. I've thought that I could sculpt him, but I've decided to convertVulture Taloon Lord into Mauler. I'll make conversion as soon as I get mini (I've just ordered him from princeaugust.ie). Next you'll see painted minis. Stay Tuned.