Battle Report Blackbloods vs Blood Bones 500pts

My forces of Blood Dwarves:
- Mualer
- Legionaries (2 Clawsmen + 2 Gauntlers + Leader)
- Axes (4 + Leader)
- Warhammers (4)
TOTAL: 494

Enemy's forces:
- Alchemist
- Goblin Swordmaster Champion
- Ogre Heavy Infantry (2 + Leader)
- Orc Swordsmen (4 + Leader)
- Orc Archers (4 + Leader)
TOTAL: 496


Before battle's begun...

Ka-Boom! the boms explodes in Alhemist's hands kiling 2 orcs (Alhemist is the one small mini on the left)

Heart of the battle - Ogres are sorrounded by Dwarfs.

Ogre Leader is unstopable. With one wound left he survived whole battle. What's more he killed most of BloodBones.

Mauler charged Alhemist!

And he killed Alhemist and one Bowman, and than Archers killed Mauler...

Just take a look on Ogre's killing spree...

Archers charged and killed some dwarwes. It was my decision to let them move first. Darn it! I thought they aren't that good.

Survivers of the battle.

Battle Report Blackbloods vs Swamp Goblins 1000pts

I think battles between Blackbloods and Swamp Goblins are very fluffy. And so was this battle. I gatthered the best forces to defend Goblin Houses. Shaman on drone was the main character. Then I hired Mantis Guards to defend Shaman's Home. The rest of army was Blowpipers and Spearmen. 2 Novice Shamans (perhaps The main shaman's studens) stands in ranks of spearmen and mantis guards. Heres a roster:

- Shaman on Drone
+ Hornest's Nest
+ Primal Force
- Mantis Guard Champion
- 7 Mantis Guards (4+LDR+STD+MUZ+Novice Shaman)
+ Drums (+1DAM +1CC)
+ Standard (Cause Fear)
- 6 Spearmen (4+LDR+Novice Shaman)
- 5 Spearmen (4+LDR)
- 5 Bowpipers (4+LDR)
- 5 Bowpipers (4+LDR)

The enemy was:

- Ogre Myrmadon Bull Cavalry
- Goblin Swordmanster Champion
- 4 Goblin Crimson Blade (3+LDR)
- Goblin Chariot
- 5 Orc Assault Warriors (4+LDR)
- 5 Orc Archers (4+LDR)
- 5 Orc Caravan Guards (4+LDR)
- 5 Orc Swordsmen (4+LDR)

Thre was a lot of mistakes as we both have played very long time ago. Next time will be better. I was destroyed tottaly, but before that I've killed Assault Warriors and Caravan Guards with my Mantis Guard Champ! He is a real Slaughterer. Also this was my first battle against Trample (We make this rule a bit more hardcore so my units had no chance against it). But next time I'll be prepared, and I'll read rules so no one can cheat me so easyly ;) .

Soon some Dwarfs Painted. Stay tuned in.