Battle Report Blackbloods vs Swamp Goblins 1000pts

I think battles between Blackbloods and Swamp Goblins are very fluffy. And so was this battle. I gatthered the best forces to defend Goblin Houses. Shaman on drone was the main character. Then I hired Mantis Guards to defend Shaman's Home. The rest of army was Blowpipers and Spearmen. 2 Novice Shamans (perhaps The main shaman's studens) stands in ranks of spearmen and mantis guards. Heres a roster:

- Shaman on Drone
+ Hornest's Nest
+ Primal Force
- Mantis Guard Champion
- 7 Mantis Guards (4+LDR+STD+MUZ+Novice Shaman)
+ Drums (+1DAM +1CC)
+ Standard (Cause Fear)
- 6 Spearmen (4+LDR+Novice Shaman)
- 5 Spearmen (4+LDR)
- 5 Bowpipers (4+LDR)
- 5 Bowpipers (4+LDR)

The enemy was:

- Ogre Myrmadon Bull Cavalry
- Goblin Swordmanster Champion
- 4 Goblin Crimson Blade (3+LDR)
- Goblin Chariot
- 5 Orc Assault Warriors (4+LDR)
- 5 Orc Archers (4+LDR)
- 5 Orc Caravan Guards (4+LDR)
- 5 Orc Swordsmen (4+LDR)

Thre was a lot of mistakes as we both have played very long time ago. Next time will be better. I was destroyed tottaly, but before that I've killed Assault Warriors and Caravan Guards with my Mantis Guard Champ! He is a real Slaughterer. Also this was my first battle against Trample (We make this rule a bit more hardcore so my units had no chance against it). But next time I'll be prepared, and I'll read rules so no one can cheat me so easyly ;) .

Soon some Dwarfs Painted. Stay tuned in.

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