
Happy holidays to everybody!

Yesterday, I had my first Space Hulk mission. I've played those horrible genestealers. They rox. It was quite hard to kill sergeant. Coz guy has +1 to close combat and can parry. So he killed 3 genestalers in close combat, but finaly when I attacked for the fourth time he rolled 1 and died from a genestealer hand. Than flamer started to cleaning his way to objectie room. shooting out 5 times. He could shoot only one more time so he started running to the objective room. First I've killed all his firends (my oponent lukas had so many jams on overwatch and no actions left to cleanse those jams) and finally I've get flamer! I've stabbed in da back! Great game!

I did get new camera and after holidays I'll put some photos.

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