
Hi! There would be some changes around this time.

Firstible, the name of this blog is changed. There would be no more HardOrc. The new is: BLOODY BEAST and yes, We do have now a new domain:
Also I've changed my ebay user name which now is: bloodybeast_com

Secondly, there would be new graphic design to this website. As soon as I get new powerful software.

Thirdly, I'm going back to minis so soon you'll see some new minis. Here's what I'm planning to do. Those bellow would be for eBay:
- Blood Angels Terminators
- Blood Angels Sanguinary Guards
- Blood Angels Death Company
- Blood Angels Tactical Squad
- Blood Angels Dreadnought

- Ork Warboss
- 5 Ork Nobz
- 20 Ork Boyz
- 3 Deathkoptas

- Skaven Catapult
- Skaven Hellpit Abomination
- Skaven Warlord on Rat Ogre

- Space Wolves BloodClaws
- Space Wolves Long Fangs
- Space Wolves Lone Wolves
- Space Wolves Drop Pod

- and many others

And some of my armies:
- Bloodthrister
- Bloodletters
- Flesh Hounds
- Blood Chariots

- Very Old Night Goblins

- Finish Algeroth Army

- some Terrain pieces and miscelanoud minis
My grandpa died last week. This made me really down. I had to take some time to get over.

Soon I'll put those dregs and Space Wolves on eBay and get back to work.

Space Wolves Heroes

Hi! I've just finished painting Njal Stormcaller and Lukas the Trickster. Soon on eBay.

Dregs are ready!

Yep! I've just finished painting 2 dregs for mordheim. On eBay soon.