Warhammer Battle: Dwarves vs Warriors of Chaos (1000pts)

So I've fought this battle at wednesday. It was my first battle at Warhammer 8th rules. It's good even better then 6th and 7th editions. I loved the new magic and new charge rules. Also fighting from 2nd rank is great! So here what armies did we use.

- Runelord (shield, rune of stone, 2x rune of resistance, rune of balance) 228
- Dragonslayer 50
- 10 Thunderers (shields) 150
- 10 Thunderers (shields) 150
- 19 Ironbreakers (full command) 277
- Organ Gun (rune of penetrating) 145

TOTAL: 1000pts

- Sorcerer (2nd level, biting blade) 125
- Sorcerer (2nd level) 120
- 25 Marauders (shields, light armor, full command) 170
- 5 Marauder Horsemen (javelins, spears, light armor) 80
- 3 Dragonogres (great weapons) 231
- 3 Dragonogres (additional weapons) 219
- Chaos Spawn 55

TOTAL: 1000pts

Chaos took the first turn. Every unit moved ahead. In magic phase Sorcerer with biting blade who was in marauder unit cast a spell with irresistible force and rolled 2 on miscast. 7 marauders died, chaos spawn was wounded. Mage has survived. Spell did kill 2 dwarves. In Dwarf turn I've shoot with everything I had. I've killed only 1 Dragonogre. In next turn I was charged by Dragonogres (one unit attacked thunderers the other charged organ gun, then in their follow up move they run into dragon slayer). 3 thunderes died. In my turn I've attacked dragonogres with my ironbreaker unit. Didn't kill any but with charge and rank bonuses I've broken them, and in a follow up I've attacked second unit of dragonogres (the one fighting thunderes) and break them too. But I've lost some ironbreakers and thunderers. Non of dragonogre units were able to rally for the rest of battle. In next chaos turn, all units come closer. 2 thunderers died from fireball. I've shot 6 chaos marauders. I attacked a chaos spawn with ironbreakers killing it, and I've regrouped. Enemy attacked my ironbreakers with marauders from front and cavalry from flank. They didn't made break test. I've shot lone enemy sorcerer. And then rest of thunderers were charged by marauders and marauder horsemen and they flee of battlefield.

Unfortunately I don't have any photos from this battle. I've used Mantic Dwarves, and I have only 3 units of them. The battle was nice. I've broken 2 units of Dragonogres! I thought I would use Organ Gun at least 2 times. But I was totally disapointed when my enemy has crushed it and then pursuit into Dragonslayer killing it so easily. Next time I would use Slayer Lord with runic axe with master rune of smiting on it. Probably shields were just a waste of points. Also I might not use so well armored Runelord, it was also waste of points. Actually It would be a better choice to use 2 Thanes and for example a Slayer Lord.

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