[Battle Report] Warlord

This was my first Reaper Warlord battle ever. I'm sure we did a lot of mistakes. We only had 1st version of Warlord Rulebook, but we played 2nd edition. We made up those rules that wasn't described in 1st edition rulebook, but fortunately those rules hasn't much to do in this battle.

I was playing Necropolis force as I'm painting this army of Mordheim so I had some models painted, and those were accurate for proxing. My friend had his Reaper Dwarf army so no proxing here. We chose to start with 500pts and 1 Warlord Choice. So here's what we have chosen:


Troop 1:

Judas Bloodspire, Antoined of Hars

Gauntfield, Scarecrow (Magic Waepon)

Zombie x3

Luck Stone

Troop 2:

Graverot, Ghast

Ghast x2

Ghoul x2

Malek, the Hated

TOTAL: 500pts


Troop 1:

King Thorgram Grimsteel

Bear Rider



Troop 2:

Abjorn Hofkeg, Miner

Kara Foehunter



Troop 3:

Annasha Tomebreaker

Albatros Amulet

TOTAL: 499pts


Battle was very fast and very bloody.

We moved our units straight ahead. In firs turn the bear cavalry charged Judas. Dwarf missed with all his attacks, Vampire hit twice the poor bear. Annasha moved throward to seek enemy, but my ghoul unit moved slow in shade.

This is just another view of situation above. Malek tried to hit Annasha with Ice Shard spell but casting wasn't succesfull.

In another turn I charged Annasha with my ghasts and ghouls killing her, but she killed one ghoul and wound one more in fight back. My ghast sergeant charged pathfinder killing him. Than the burrowed Miner attacked my ghast sergeant and piercer and foehunter killed some of my ghouls.

King, Warrior and Forgemaiden joined the fight agains zombies and vampire. It was a nice fight, but in the end I've killed bear rider and king (healing my vampire to full), but I've lost scarecrow and a zombie.

The battle was on. Ghast charged piercer and killed him. Ghast sergeant killed miner (but lost one wound)

Kara Foehunter has killed my ghasts (thanks to pierce SA). Vampiress has killed forgemaiden, but the maiden was able to kill at her last breath.

Kara killed my sergeant, than she killed Malek. Her piercing shots are really deadly.

The Vampires go straight on dwarf. But in last turn the dwarf has initiative so Kara has wounded Vampiress Warlord. Than Vampiress has killed poor dwarf with great vengeance and fury!


I like Warlord very much. The first thing I would change in next battles is to rid of warlords as they are to powerful. Second thing is to get some experience-advance rules so it would be like Mordheim. I know some folks made Mordheim rules work with Warlord. I'll check if they work good. But I'll make something different more suitable with Warlord universe. In Warlord game you can have more variety on warbands than in Mordheim (I'm getting bored with all undead warbands lead by vampire with necromancer and 3 dregs, Its pity you cannot have different heroes). But in Warlord you can make them more interesting. Great variety of models in army. There is no must-have-minimum-one etc.

I still need to learn Warlord rules. I don't know how Cursed or Poisoned or Stunned works. But I wont play Undead in Warlord anymore. I'm going to get some Darkreach army. Just because of incredibly well done sculpts of those Elves.

[Battle Report] Mordheim: Undead vs Witch Hunters

So here is my last battle of Mordheim. We played Breakthrough scenario. I was an attacker an my enemy was defender. So I had to set up my undeads first, than my enemy set up his witch hunters. His boys have much more expirience than mine, but I had more guyz in my army so this was quite same ratting.


I decided to divide my army into two teams. I knew I had the first turn so I wasn't covering my minis yet.

The witch hunter player decided to divide his army too. But his main force was on the side with vampire.

Vampiress was leading her ghoul troop into combat carefully, coz she knows that bolts from witch hunters crossbows can be deadly even to her.

On second flak Necromancer rush his team with courage. Nothing can stop him and his troops, as he is the one who controls the dead.

This was the first blood. One ghoul and vampiress attacked witch hunters dog. And killed him. Witch hunters than moved back and tried to kill vampire witch crossbow, but missed all shots.

This was the last picture taken, before close combat. There is one more witch hunter under that bridge. Flagellant and one witch hunter have charged succesfully on ghouls. Second witch hunter was shooting with his crossbow pistol but missed. One ghoul has taken out of action flagellant before he could swing back with his great weapon. Witch hunter has put knock out one ghoul (he had KaBoom on blackpowder misfire table). Than the undeads have charged putting out of action witch hunter with pistols and stunning the other one. Without whole flank witch hunters volontary routed.


It's good to have strength in numbers. My ghouls are S4 and this can be very deadly to any enemy. My warband is painted after this battle. Now, I'm going to glue some more Mordheim terrain. Also I'll make new warband the possesed of Tzeentch basing on regular possesed warband rules.

Warrior Priest of Sigmar on Foot


Warrior Priest of Sigmar Mounted


Elector Count on Foot


Grand Master of Reiksguards Mounted


Empire Handgunners


Empire Helbardiers Detachment


Empire Spearmen Regiment


Wizard Lord of Heaven with 2 Battle Wizards of Heaven


Empire Archers


Empire Crossbowmen


Empire Handgunner Marksmen with Hohland Long Rifles


Empire Handgunners


Empire Great Cannon with Crew


Empire Pistoliers


Empire Knight Panters


Empire Reiksguard Knights


Battle Wizard of Beast Lore


Empire Artillery


Another Empire Great Cannon with Crew


Battle Wizard of Life/Light Lore


Battle Wizard of Fire/Death/Shadow Lore


Battle Wizard of Metal/Death Lore


Savage Orcs incoming!

This was a moment I was waiting for! New Orcs & Goblins! This Time I'm going to take all of those and make a Savage Orc mob!

I'll buy new Savage Orc Characters: Wurzag & Boss on Boar. I'm thinking of 2 regiments of 10 Savage Orc Boar Boyz each and 2 units of Savage Orcs. 10 Savage Orcs with bows and 40 with spears and shields or probably 20 with spears and Big Stabba and another 20 with additional hand weapon, but it depends on new rules of warpaint. Coz if it grants a 6+ wardsave and it does not cumulative with shields I will use additional choppa. Well there would be lot of glueing! Can't wait for this one!

I'll be selling some of my armies to make a room for new minis. So be ready for it!

2 Mordheim Battles

I've just played two Mordheim battles. I took some photos but they are blurry so I wont post them. Also my warband (The Undeads) is not painted yet. I've played my fist battle with this warband some long time ago. This how it looked before those 2 battles.

Monique the Vampire (Sword, Dagger, Heavy Armor, Shield, Lucky Charm)
Judas the Necromancer (Sword, Dagger, Call of Vanhell)
Igor the Dreg (Sword, Dagger)
John the Dreg (Spear, Rope and Hook, +1I, Stupidity)
Andrew the Dreg (Axe and Club)

4 Ghouls
Wilhelm the Zombie (Once he was witch hunter leader, but in last battle he was captured and turned into zombie :). I did get all his equipment like brace of pistols, sword, helmet and lucky charm)

There was a priest with 2 hammers, 3 witch hunters and one flagellant hero. there were two henchmen flagellants and one wardog. Witch hunters had one crossbow, pistols and sword combo, and crosbowpistol, mace and sword. Flagellants were armed with two handed weapons. Flagellant hero had strongman and lighting reflexes skills.

The first battle was skirmish. I took an initiative on this one. I made two groups. First with my vampiress Monique, stupid dreg and two ghouls. Second with Judas, Igor and Andrew and one zombie and two ghouls.
From first group: John didn't pass his supidity twice. Ghouls go hide. John in 3rd turn was attacked by wardog and he died. Then 2 ghouls eat the dog. Than flagellant henchman charge one ghoul, but miss. Ghouls attack him and put him stunned. Than ghouls break from combat with stunned flagellant and charge the guy with pistols and sword succesfully putting him stuned.
Monique in 2nd turn has charged warrior priest. She get wounded by him but with a little help of Igor the dreg she put him down.
Second group: A zombie was boosted by necromancer, and moved forward. Ghouls and dregs were behind him and Judas was the last. Enemy sharpsooter (the guy with crossbow and quick shoot) was on elevated position and took down one of my ghouls. Than I attacked 2 flagellants with Igor, Andrew, and zombie. Flagellant hero took out zombie and Andrew. Igor took out flagellant henchmen, and than attacked warrior priest (I mentioned it earlier). When he and Monique was done with priest all had attacked flagellant hero. It was very hard to kill him. But finaly I've put him down.

This is how our warbands were looking after that battle.

Monique the Vampire (Sword, Dagger, Heavy Armor, Shield, Lucky Charm, Lightning Reflexes)
Judas the Necromancer (Sword, Dagger, Call of Vanhell, +1WS)
Igor the Dreg (Sword, Dagger, +1A)
John the Dreg (Spear, Rope and Hook, +1I, Stupidity)
Andrew the Dreg (Axe and Club, Nervous Condition, +1I)

4 Ghouls (one with +1Ld, two with +1S)
Wilhelm the Zombie

Flagellant hero did get 2 new skills. Resilient and second I can't remember. The guy with pistols and sword get step aside. And this is all I can remember now. They all get holy relics. And lucky charms.

Second one was defend the find. I was an attacker. All units run to the building. Than the witch hunters start taking out one by one my warband members. In the end of first turn he took out of action zombie and 3 ghouls. John was knocked down. I've passed rout test and tried to kill some of those bastards but non of my hits was succesfull. In enemy's turn I've lost Igor and Andrew dregs and Judas the necromancer fell down and was stuned. I've decided to run away.

My warband after that battles.

Monique the Vampire (Sword, Dagger, Heavy Armor, Shield, Lucky Charm, Lightning Reflexes)
Judas the Necromancer (Sword, Dagger, Call of Vanhell, +1WS)
Igor the Dreg (Sword, Dagger, +1A, Cause Fear, Resilient)
John the Dreg (Spear, Rope and Hook, +1I, Stupidity, +1WS)
Andrew the Dreg (Axe and Club, Nervous Condition, +1I)

7 Ghouls (one with +1Ld, six with +1S)

Although I had many warriors out of action I had a bot of luck on post battle sequence. Igor is now resilien and cause fear (this was from Injury). Andrew lost 1I and then he advanced 1I. I get three new ghouls with +1S. Hope they will be able to kill more easily.

I'm going to paint those minis soon so you can see what I'm talking about.

Mantic Undead Progress

Here are fast concepts about color schemes. Skeletons would have silver armor (non metallic) and black clothes. There would be rust here and there on metal parts. Definitely shields should be red. As red would be main color for this army (I was hesitating between red, turquoise and violet, red won, so this would be main color for this army). To match color scheme on ghouls and zombies (they to not use any shields), I'll paint hands and wounds in the same red color as shields. Maybe some standards for zombies would have signs of an army and possibly ghouls would have tattoos on their bodies in that shape. Catapults would have dark brown wood. Here's color scheme for skeletons and revenants.

Here's color sheme for zombies and ghouls.

All heroes in this army would have a different color scheme. Instead of red they would have turquoise as a main color to make them stand out. So here's a necromancer scheme.

Mantic Dwarf Army

Here are my first Mantic Games minis. I've decided to paint them all in basic NMM technique and in standard color scheme for Mantic dwarves - red and bronze (mine is more like gold).


- 1 Dwarf King with Two-handed Hammer.

- 1 Dwarf Warsmith with 2 Hammers. (He can be played as second King, Thane, Runesmith or even as a Berserker)

- 20 Dwarf Ironclads (Warriors) with Shields and full command group (Actually there are 18 Ironclads and 1 Drunken Dwarf - he takes 2 bases).

- 10 Dwarf Ironwatch (Thunderers) with Rifles.

- 10 Dwarf Ironwatch (Quarrellers) with Crossbows.

- 5 Dwarf Shield Breakers (Hammerers) with Two-handed Hammers.

- 1 Dwarf Cannon or Organgun (Can be fielded as one of those due to extra bitz) with 2 crew.

- 1 Mastiff (can be added to make one more crew or Ironclad or just to remind you an upgrade in unit)

TOTAL: 50 Miniatures

I used to play both Warhammer and Kings of War with this army. You can easily field over 1000 point army in Warhammer game with this army. I use Ironclads as Iron Breakers coz they are very hard to kill. I like this army because of one particular reason. The whole army look really stunning on a battle field. It has very consistent color scheme and also It has some details like mastiff or heroes on elevated bases or (my favorite part) a drunken dwarf. Hope to paint some more Mantic Dawrves in my life.

Here are some close ups:




Dwarf King