Warlord Necropolis Army

I'm going to make a small Necropolis army for a skirmish game Warlord. I don't like Reaper Necropolis range (well maybe beside Scarecrow). I'd love to make it with old Rackham metals but those are highly unavailable, thats why I'm going to make this army using GW plastics.

So here's what I'm going to make:

Vampire Troop

1 Crimson Knight Champion

3 Crimson Knights

1 Crimson Knight Elite

Ghoul Troop

1 Ghast Lord

2 Ghasts

4 Ghouls

1 Malek, the Hated

Zombie Troop

8 Burrowing Zombies

2 Fresh Zombie Counters

1 Grave Horror

I'll make some monsters and warlords after finishing those minis.

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