Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Just after Holidays I'll post pictures of painted minis. There will be:
- Hearthbreaker Druid or Mage
- Warhamer Champions of Chaos (Slaanesh Masque, Khorne Champion, Nurgle Sorcerer, Wulfrik, Khorne Lord on Jaggernought)
- Konrad von Carstein
- Probbably some Warzone Dark Legion Minis.
- Maybe some Chronopia Dwarves. They still need a lot of work.
- Some Terrain pieces. I've made jerry cans for use with Warzone and 40k.

Stay Tuned. Best Wishies!

Blood Bone Clan in Progress


Here are Dwarves ready for undercoating! Because there will be a lot of metal areas I'll prime it black.This is Legion unit. I'm going to make some more Clawsmen so I  may field them as Flayers. Also, I'm going to make a Standard Bearer (from Gauntlet warrior) for ths Legion unit. Leader is on cork, so he is a bit more standing out, and even player that do not know whole range of Chronopia will easily note that he's in command here.

Axemen! Nothig will ever change here. This unit is perfect. There was a broken mini so I fixed it with Green Stuff.  Axe Leader is also on cork.
Yeeeehaw! Warhammers! Those are heavy armored troops with huge hammers! I used Vulture Clan Mallet Warriors. I've changed shoulder pads, helmets, mallets and feets. Hope you like them! This is my fvourite unit so far!

Ther is no Mauler yet. I've thought that I could sculpt him, but I've decided to convertVulture Taloon Lord into Mauler. I'll make conversion as soon as I get mini (I've just ordered him from princeaugust.ie). Next you'll see painted minis. Stay Tuned.

Wood Elf Treeman

At last! This is Treeman sculpted by me! It's made of clay. It's huge! It's 19cm (7,5") high!! Hell yeah! You can see in the photo how big it is compared to Warhammer Plastic Giant and Night Goblin :). On eBay now!

Fiend of Slaanesh

Here is a Fiend of Slaanesh. Nice mini, there was lots of boobs to paint :)

Treeman Incoming!

I've finished Treeman. It has been sculpted and painted by me. Soon on eBay. I'm also going to buy 2 chronopia armies. Obsidian Elves and Dark Tusk Dwarfs. Soon some more info. I've also painted Fiend of Slaanesh. Stay Tuned!

Chaos Daemons Nurgle Beast

I was not a keen of this model, as I saw it for a first time. When I bought Daemon Spearhead I realised that this is nice mini. I decided to paint it first, and I have to admit this was great fun and pleasure to paint this beast.

Herald of Slaanesh

I just love those old daemonettes. Hope to have some more in the future. This one is turned to Herald of Slaanesh. I used real crab's claw. Hope you like it.

Sigvald the Magnificent

New Chaos model. Great mini. One of the GW's best minis. It looks very slaaneshi indeed. But it could be also a Vampire, Empire Noble, Bretonnian Knight, Elf Prince and many others if slaanesh sybol would be removed. What I mean is that this model should be more chaos like, but I still love it and I'm going to paint this mini several more times! Today on eBay!

What's in progress?


Hi! Today's news.

- Chaos Lord on Daemonic Steed - Painting Started
- 10 Chaos Chosens with Command Group - Basecoated
- 5 Marauder Horsemen - Basecoated
- 5 Chaos Knights - Basecoated

- Masque of Slaanesh - Basecoated
- Fiend of Slaanesh - Basecoated
- 10 Daemonettes of Slaanesh - Basecoated

- Nurgle Beast - Painting Started
- Epidemius - Basecoated

- Treeman (My own sculpture - it's 18cm / 7,5" high!) - Basecoated

All is going on eBay! Soon some updates.

Lord of Khorne on Foot

I just love new khorne line! New Flesh Hounds, Bloodletters, Bloodcrushers and now Chaos Champions and Lords! Great stuff!

Sorcerer of Nurgle

I love how green poisonous ichor and glowing runes comes out! Another great expirience!

Wulfrik the Wanderer

Nice model. Lots of details.

10 Chaos Warhounds

10 Chaos Warhounds on eBay. I love new Chaos miniatures! Those were fun to paint! Soon some more of new Chaos miniatures.

Finally! I'm CMON8 Contest Winner!

Yes! That's true! See Contest Gallery for my entries. I guess those minis would be on eBay soon.

Chaos Spearhead is Here!

Hi! All projects are frozen. The Chaos is upon me! Firstable I wanna paint characters and dogs, than knights, chosens and marauder horsemen. Soon some more info!

Chaos Army Pro Painted 2750pts! on Auction!!!

Hello! Today I'll post this army on eBay. It has every thing you need to start collecting chaos army or to extend your existing one! This auction includes:
- 1 Exalted Sorcerer on  Chaos Steed
- 2 Sorcerers on Foot
- 1 Sorcerer on Chariot
- 1 Army Standard Bearer
- 1 Champion on Foot

- 10 Chosen Chaos Knights with Lances (Yes! This option is back for chaos knights) (Full Command)
- 20 Chaos Warriors with Shields (Full Command)
- 20 Chaos Warriors with Shields (Full Command)
- 1 Chaos Chariot

- 3 Chaos Ogres (Extra Hand Weapon and Big Chaos Ogre)
- 1 Chaos Gigant

Its Almost Done!

I've converted all 6 characters. Yest there will be 6 of them! Hero (on foot), Standard (also on foot) and 4 Sorcerers (2 on foot, 1 on Chariot, 1 Exalted on Chaos Steed). Hero is already painted. Green stuff is drying, so I have a little time for sleep. Then I'll paint them. 

Chaos Army almost Done!

Yes! Thats true! It's almost done! I've just finished second unit of Chaos Warriors. I need to make 4 character (or 5) and paint them. I'll convert those 4-5 guys so it would take me a little more time. Soon on eBay!

Chaos vs Chaos 2750

Hi there! I've played a big battle last night. I've decided to check how good is army i'm painting for sale. And I must admit it kick ass! The whole army was exacly for 2750.

played by Rafal Maj

- Exalted Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Chaos Undivided, 4th Level - Fire, Chaos Steed, Skull of Katam, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll) 394
- Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Chaos Undivided, 2nd Level - Fire, Chaos Chariot, Power Familiar) 290
- Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Chaos Undivided, 2nd Level - Fire, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll) 170
- Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Chaos Undivided, 2nd Level - Fire, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll) 170

- 10 Chosen Chaos Knights (Mark of Chaos Undivided, Full Command, War Banner) 525
- 20 Chaos Warriors (Mark of Chaos Undivided, Shield, Full Command, Standard of Wrath) 380
- 20 Chaos Warriors (Mark of Chaos Undivided, Shield, Full Command) 330

- 3 Chaos Ogres (Heavy Armour, Extra Hand Weapon, Big Chaos Ogre) 146

- Chaos Giant (Mutant Monstrosity)

played by Pszemek

- Exalted Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Nurgle, 4th Level - Nurgle, Power Familiar, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll) 420
- Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Chaos Undivided, 2nd Level - Shadow, Chaos Chariot, Power Stone, Power Stone) 170
- Chaos Sorcerer (Mark of Chaos Undivided, 2nd Level, Power Stone, Dispel Scroll) 176

- 4 Chaos Knights (Standard) 172
- 19 Chosen Warriors of Nurgle (Mark of Nurgle, Extra Hand Weapon, Standard, Champion) 511
- 20 Marauders (Light Armour, Shield, Full Command) 165
- 5 Horsemen Marauders (Shield, Standard, Chieftain) 99
- 5 Horsemen Marauders (Shield, Standard, Chieftain) 99
- 20 Warhounds 120

- 3 Chaos Trolls 165
- 10 Chaos Furies 150

- Dragon Ogre Shaggoth (Light Armour) 298
- Chaos Giant 205

The game wass totally messed up. We started at 4 A.M. that was not the brightest idea. We were sleepy, but we played to the end.

We had 3 mistcasts in this game (but nothing bad happned), The giants were fighting each other starting from turn 2 to the last one. Mine won that challange with a little help of Ogres. The magic did a great job. It break unit of Chosen Warriors, and weaken Shaggoth (he left with 1 wound them my chosen cavalry killed him). Enemy Knigts charged in front on my unit of regular chaos warriors and after combat they run away! Then I flanked Marauders and make them run away too. Some magic killed Marauder Horsemen. Trolls run away from chariots charge.

This is really short story. I did masacre on his army. I think This army is really hard! I don't really want to sell it but I have to. I need some money to by an engagement ring :) for my beloved Iza. By this time I'm in the middle of painting Cavalry Unit. Hope to finish soon.

Chaos Warrior Battle Masters Army

Those are miniatures made by Citadel Miniatures for Milton Bradley game called Battle Masters. The game itself was based on hex table and was quite similar to Warmaster (but in 28mm scale).
I've bought this army some long time ago. I've painted all minis to make it feel like one army. Because those are clones this was easy to make. Hope you like the effect. The Army consists of:

Mounted Chaos Sorcerer
Chaos Sorceres on Foot
Another Chaos Sorceres on Foot
Chaos Sorcerer in Chariot
Chaos Battle Standard Bearer
Chaos Champion

10 Chaos Knights (Full Command)
20 Chaos Warriors (Full Command)
20 Chaos Warriors (Full Command)
Another Chaos Chariot

3 Chaos Ogres
Chaos Giant

Army was SOLD some years ago. Hope it wins a lot of games.

Chaos Army Progress

The Unit of Chaos Knights is ready now.

Chaos Ogres

I've just finished paintig Chaos Ogres. I didn't mention that the Gigant will be the one I've made some time ago. You can see it in my galery. Now I'm starting unit of 10 riders.

Chaos Warrior Army in Progress

I've just finished one unit of 20 Warriors and 2 Chariots. Unit of Cavalry is in the way. Soon some more info.

Working on...


Hi there! I've decided to make my Chaos Undivided (yes, those minis from Battle Masters) completed in 20 days. So now i'm painting!
The army includes:

1 Exalted Champion of Chaos (on horseback)
3 Sorcerors of Chaos (1 on chariot, 2 on foot)

1 Chariot
2 Units of 20 Chaos Warriors (full command)
1 Unit of 10 Chaos Knights (full command)

3 Chaos Ogres (with champ)

1 Gigant

I'll start painting with regular Chaos Chariot.

Kroot Sharper

This model took me a while to assemble. The hardest part was to cut of it's left arm (it was attached to body on whole lenght). I did new weapons, so now you can see who is da boss! I'm happy how it came out.

Tau Etheral

I tried to use similiar color sheme as Alexi Z used in her latest job. It was a huge chellange to paint this mini even I did non match quality of Alexi Z. I guess I wont match it in a milion years but it was great expirience.

LotR Saruman

This is Saruman the White inspired by Elly3438 from CMON Society. Just wanted to say that I really admire his job.

Chaos Champion of Slaanesh

Yes this is an old GW Elf Champion. I've turned it into Chaos Champion of Slaanesh. Look at the babe on the shield ;). On eBay now.

Chaos Champion of Tzeentch with 3 Arms

This is one of my favourite conversions! Mini was quite hard to paint, but with every brush  tuch it was getting pritier and pritier. This mini was from Warhammer 40 Chaos Tzeentch Reneades Series. I liked the sculpt but I wanted to use it in Warhammer Fantasy. So i decided to make a few upgrades to this mini. I'm quite proud of it. 

Blood Bowl Blue Dwarf Player

It was a great fun to paint this old Dwarf.

Blood Bowl Green Dwarf Player no. 4

Dwarf Blood Bowl player I've painted. Hope you like it.

CMON8 - My Entries

Hi! I've send two entries on CMON Contest 8. I've done it becouse the mini was so great and i've had so many ideas how to paint it. The first mini i painted was also converted a bit. I change arms position as well as position of those two blades growing from minis back. The whole base is made from Green Stuff and so is the tree. I was thinking about some winter scenery but finely I've chosen autumn colors for this mini and that was a right choice (in my opinion). And look on this sweet frog at the bottom.

The second mini has no conversions. The base was made from Green Stuff to match the natural base that mini has. I've chosen blue/black colors and dryed earth for this mini. And note it has a scorpion painted on his cape.