River Trolls

Again, one of the most successful GW minis. Yes, those Troll are beautiful. They are very detailed and are made well. Nothing like new GW Minotaurs! This is good Shit and probaby I'll start Collecting Greenskins once again with unit of 6 River Trolls for start. :D

Orc Boar Boyz

Those minis are awesome! Very well designed. And they are just like Warhammer Orcs should look like. They are bulky with naked torso, exposing their muscles to enemy. Also boars are awesome! I'm very impressed by new Orcs & Goblins!

Korhil High Elf Hero

I'm not very keen on Elves, but Korhil is my favourite one. I like the new sculpt very much and I've enjoyed painting too. You'll probably see some more high elves in the near future.

Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch

This is conversion made using some bitz from Chaos Spawns. The rest is sculpted from Green Stuff.

Rune Priest


Work in progress

I've bought New River Trolls and Orc Boar Boyz. I've painted 1 River Troll so far.
I also finished Korhil and Tzeentch Sorcerer and one Space Wolf.

Probably, they would be on eBay tomorrow.

Great Unclean One

As I said. I did a Great Unclean One. Wast hard to paint it, but I hope you like how it turned out. When I bought this model I wasn't very keen of it. But now I know I'll paint another one someday, coz this model is really well designed.

I did a scenic base to give him that special treat. On eBay now.

Skaven Stormvermins

Harder Skavens. Stormvermins! On eBay now.

Skaven Clanrats with Spears

Another unit of Clanrats. This time with Spears. On eBay now.

Skaven Clanrats with Hand Weapons

At last! Skavesn are on eBay! Hope you like it. On eBay now.

Sculpted Treekins

I've finished Treekins for my friend today. How do you like it?

They have that comic look I wanted to make. Also I like how bulky they are. This was quite fast but well done work. There's possibility I'll be making some more of treekins for my friend in the future.

Skavens and Great Unclean One will be posted on Monday as well as some Steel Legion Special and Heavy Weapons and some Chaos Chosen Warriors of Khorne along with Lord on Jaggernout (those would be reposts).

I'm going for holiday till Monday. So there will be no updates for that time.

New minis on eBay. New work in progress,

Hi! I was sightseeing all day with my girlfriend. So I had no time for hobby. I'm posting Reaper minis on eBay right now. Ghost and Barbarian. Tomorrow I'll take pictures of Gread Unclean One (finally finished) and 3 units of Skavens (20 Skavens in each!) and alos put them on eBay.

I have new commision work. My friend wants me to sculpt 2 Treekins based on old GW Treemen. Here's concept sketch for both minis. Starting from tomorrow! Deadline is on Friday morning. Up to this time they should be painted as well.

I've not made any progress on Cygor and Korhil, but it would change tomorrow. I've started several Space Wolves projects. Here comes Njal Stormcaller, Lukas the Trickster, Canis Wolfborn, Longfangs and Droppod.

Update note

My blog would have two days of actualization. Sunday and probably Wednesday. Of course there is possibility of more frequently updating, but this two days would be obligatory. Let's get started:

So here's what I have done in this week.

▶ I did almost painted Cygor for Beastmen. It's made of Giant bits, slightly converted with Green Stuff. The mini is now being highlighted. I took me a while, but It would be worth it.

▶ Another mini I'm painting is Great Unclean One. I only need to put that finishing touch, and he will be ready for eBay.

▶ Korhil. High Elf Hero with display base. No conversion here, just beautiful base and Korhil.

I'm also starting working on some minis: Space Wolves again, Reaper Jade the Dancer, Slaanesh Sorcerers and Skaven Catapult, Skaven Hell Pit Abomination and Some funny stuff for Skaven teams.

Grundor Hoardtaker, Mercenaries Sergeant (Reaper 14002)

Next mini from Werner Klocke. Also great model I had to paint. I chose neutral colors for whole mini and put fire-red head to make it outstands from the rest. Hope you like it as much as I do.

From Reaper's site: Grundor Hoardtaker came to Taltos a scant three years ago to seek his fortune as a Soldier. "Civilized" living quickly proved itself too restrictive and dull for the spirited Northman, however. After sixteen months of wandering aimlessly from one place to the next, he finally found a kindred spirit in the Ghanoth Warlord Orba Sinhan. Grundor's short temper, blunt frankness, and fearlessness made him an excellent candidate for a position of authority. In battle, he devastates his opponents with a weapon in each hand, wading through the charnel fields contentedly.

Nivar, Necropolis Hero (Reaper 14033)

This mini was sculpted by one of my favorites sculptors - Werner Klocke. I could not resist to paint it. I love ow it turned out. Mini would be on eBay soon.

From Reaper's site: Wraiths are some of the finest assassins and scouts in Thule. The lords of the Necropolis have called Nivar, and others like him, from The Beyond to serve them and the wraiths answered.

TUTORIAL 1: Flesh Eater.

I did get free Rackham Wolfen Flesh Eater to make it paited. There was only one rule. When painting I have to make photos on it's progression. So here we start.

Painted with base colors Flesheater himself.

Now I'm about to highlight armor areas with blood red. I want to make armor a bit dark so I'll put some badab black wash to make it darker. Same technique would be used for fur.

New Auctions

Happy to say I've post new auctions on eBay.com check it out! Link to my eBay is on the side bar.

There's a lot of Space Marines:
- Blood Angels Captain
- Blood Angels Tactical Squad
- Space Wolves Lone Wolves
- Space Wolf Lord

a unit of Night Goblins and many more chaos, deamons, imprial guards etc.

Today I'm going to make a little progress on Rackham Wolfen Flesh Eater, as well as finish Great Unclean One. Regards.

Lone Wolf #3


Space Wolf Lord

Great fun to do those guys. This is supposed to be Wolf Lord, but can be fielded as well as Lone Wolf with wolf companion.

Lone Wolf #2


Lone Wolf #1


Night Goblins and Squig

I love all goblins made by Kev Adams (He's one of my fevourite mini sculptors). He made a very unique sculpts for GW. I can say that those goblins from 4th edition of warhammer Fantasy Battle are the best goblins ever made.

Blood Angels Space Maries Captain


Blood Angels Space Marines Tactical Squad



My girlfriend taught me how to make proper photos of minis. Soon I'll be able to present you my recent work.

I'm going to make a tutorial: How to paint Rackham Flesh Eater in a few days.

I bought Skaven Screaming Bell and High Elf Korhil. Skaven is going for eBay as Skaven Catapult. I already have idea how to make it. Korhil would be mounted on mini diorama base. Also for eBay.

Sneak Peak: Great Unclean One

Here's a project in progress. Great unclean one for Warhammer 40k. Mini and base stil need some work to do. Hope you gonna like it.