New minis on eBay. New work in progress,

Hi! I was sightseeing all day with my girlfriend. So I had no time for hobby. I'm posting Reaper minis on eBay right now. Ghost and Barbarian. Tomorrow I'll take pictures of Gread Unclean One (finally finished) and 3 units of Skavens (20 Skavens in each!) and alos put them on eBay.

I have new commision work. My friend wants me to sculpt 2 Treekins based on old GW Treemen. Here's concept sketch for both minis. Starting from tomorrow! Deadline is on Friday morning. Up to this time they should be painted as well.

I've not made any progress on Cygor and Korhil, but it would change tomorrow. I've started several Space Wolves projects. Here comes Njal Stormcaller, Lukas the Trickster, Canis Wolfborn, Longfangs and Droppod.

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