Update note

My blog would have two days of actualization. Sunday and probably Wednesday. Of course there is possibility of more frequently updating, but this two days would be obligatory. Let's get started:

So here's what I have done in this week.

▶ I did almost painted Cygor for Beastmen. It's made of Giant bits, slightly converted with Green Stuff. The mini is now being highlighted. I took me a while, but It would be worth it.

▶ Another mini I'm painting is Great Unclean One. I only need to put that finishing touch, and he will be ready for eBay.

▶ Korhil. High Elf Hero with display base. No conversion here, just beautiful base and Korhil.

I'm also starting working on some minis: Space Wolves again, Reaper Jade the Dancer, Slaanesh Sorcerers and Skaven Catapult, Skaven Hell Pit Abomination and Some funny stuff for Skaven teams.

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