Mantic Dwarf Miners


Miners are converted from Mantic Dwarf IronClads and Shieldbreakers. Painted to match the rest of Mantic Dwarf Army. Those Dwarfs have pick-hammers and are able to be fielded as both: Miners with filler and Hammerers (Shieldbreakers) with filler swapped with 5 Shieldbreakers I've painted some time ago.

The wolf is supposed to be a Giant Husky Sled Dog, which are second best friends to Dwarfs (well Mastiffs are their first best friends of course). Next project for that army would be Dwarf Cavalry on Husky Dogs with filler!

Ultramarine Librarian


Finecast model. Well I always wanted to paint Ultramarines and now I did. This is commission work. I like the way armor and books came out. I used different techniques then in previous Space Marines nad It's awesome. Check it out.

Space Wolf Thunderwolf Cavalry


This is my attempt to convert Space Wolf Thunderwolf Cavalier. This was not much conversion work, but I really like how it came out. The base is not snowy, well I realy like the details it has, so I left it without snow.

I already have an idea of spear and shield Space Wolf warrior on the Thunderwolf, but this ant gonna happened soon.

Vampire Counts Tomb Banshee


This model is amazing, but the pose is so similar to Dark Elf Sorceress and make this model less unique. It's shame because I going to use both models in my army. Anyway, this is best banshee model ever!

Vampire Counts Cairn Wraiths


Again awesome minis! Vampire Counts are now reborn with fistful of new beautiful minis. I'm sure I'll buy some more of them to bring them in some Mordheim scenarios and Warlord battles.

Here are some individual pictures.

Tomb Kings Tomb Guard Horde (Perrys' Style)


Grave Guard Horde painted to match perrys' brothers color scheme. I would like to see whole Tomb Kings army painted in this scheme. It's very limited but it gives that awesome ancient look to those minis. Well I might try to paint some Tomb Kings Giants in this style later on.

Savage Orc Boyz Horde


This is Savage Orc Boyz Horde painted for Lustria Online Painting Challenge. This is not yet over. Boyz will have more warpaint. I had no time to finish them up before contest close date, but soon I'll do it and than I'll take some close up photos.

Chronopia Obsidian Elf Army

I play Chronopia very seldom. I use 2nd edition rules, but I'm thinking of updating them into 3.0 because many of stats are not balanced and the game itself needs some refreshment. Army of Obsidian Elves woudl be my first army I guess as it would be fast to finish.

All minis will be original Chronopia miniatures by Hearbreaker. Bases would be gray ruins from Scibor as I found them very elfish.

Here's a rooster for the Chronopia Obsidian Elf Army I'm going to make.

Black Lotus Eater

This is main character in whole army. She would have 2 spells (Adamantite Golem and Stone Skin). The tactic is to cast a Stone Skin on another individual and than summon Adamantite Golem. Sorceress has no other use than that. I think Chasm spell is better than Golem, but I just love Adamantite Golem mini.

Obsidian Guard

Not a bad choice. With Stone Skinn spall on it he can be really good warrior.

3 Mantic Armies


Undead Army

10 Revenant Cavalry (10)

10 Revenant Cavalry (10)

40 Revenant (20)

+ Heroes

60 Zombies (15)

60 Zombies

20 Ghouls (10)

20 Ghouls

+ Heroes

40 Skeleton Warriors (20)

40 Skeleton Spearmen

20 Skeleton Archers

3 Skeleton Catapults (1)

+ Heroes

Orc Army:

2x Orc Army Set

2x Morax

1x Gang

1x Shaman



Very well designed model. I like the whole thing. The pose, the look and original color scheme. It's quite easy to glue and paint. This finecast was totally good with no broken or bad casted element. You never know what do you get if you order a finecast box from GW. You can check quality of a blister but not a boxed model. Anyway, this model is awesome and I'm pretty sure I'll take at least one for myself too. Check out this one, I'm happy how it turned out.

Dark Elf Sorceress


Well this is no doubt the most beautiful GW's female model. Previous females where not so good well maybe except those metal deamonettes from 6th edition of Warhammer FB. But the good thing about this model is that this in no more a monster with claws or so, but a really nice woman which can be easily made into vampire or a human model. That is what I like this model the most.

I'm going to convert this model into Rhasia, the Zombie Master. Brown skinned necromancer with dreadlocks (well her hair are impressive too). She have a dagger in one hand and a voodoo doll in another. I think it wont be much problem converting a model like this. I might do some more changes to make her look more tribal.

Vampire Counts Necromancer


Awesome mini! I was looking for a fine necromancer and here it is! I'd definitely buy some more necromancers. I'm going to use him in several games like Mordheim, Warhammer, Warlord and maybe even Necromunda. This is my favourite sculpt from Storm of Magic.

Warriors of Chaos Sorcerer Lord


This is (finely!) a new sorcerer of Chaos and it looks very good. Armor is stunning with all those details. If only you could have more options like in Empire Wizards set it would be great. But because of his pose you can easily swap hands and head making many new possibilities. Hope to convert some of those soon.

Warriors of Chaos Tzeentch Sorcerer Lord


As I saw this miniature for a very first time I thought it is a Deamon Herald of Tzeentch. I was not sure why the hell he has an armor, but now it appears it a Warrior of Chaos Sorcerer. In my opinion it is way too much demonic even as for Tzeentch follower. I love the three eyed head. It's awesome! I have a new idea of converting both this sorcerer and undivided one into one piece. It should be ready soon.

Lord Kaldor Draigo the Supreme Grand Master of the Grey Knights


This is my third Lord Kaldor Draigo model painted! This is Citadel Finecast and I must admit the quality of this model is really nice as for finecasts. I like this mini for it's awesome sword and shield. He really stands out on battlefield.