Chronopia Obsidian Elf Army

I play Chronopia very seldom. I use 2nd edition rules, but I'm thinking of updating them into 3.0 because many of stats are not balanced and the game itself needs some refreshment. Army of Obsidian Elves woudl be my first army I guess as it would be fast to finish.

All minis will be original Chronopia miniatures by Hearbreaker. Bases would be gray ruins from Scibor as I found them very elfish.

Here's a rooster for the Chronopia Obsidian Elf Army I'm going to make.

Black Lotus Eater

This is main character in whole army. She would have 2 spells (Adamantite Golem and Stone Skin). The tactic is to cast a Stone Skin on another individual and than summon Adamantite Golem. Sorceress has no other use than that. I think Chasm spell is better than Golem, but I just love Adamantite Golem mini.

Obsidian Guard

Not a bad choice. With Stone Skinn spall on it he can be really good warrior.

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