Mantic Dwarf Miners

Miners are converted from Mantic Dwarf IronClads and Shieldbreakers. Painted to match the rest of Mantic Dwarf Army. Those Dwarfs have pick-hammers and are able to be fielded as both: Miners with filler and Hammerers (Shieldbreakers) with filler swapped with 5 Shieldbreakers I've painted some time ago.

The wolf is supposed to be a Giant Husky Sled Dog, which are second best friends to Dwarfs (well Mastiffs are their first best friends of course). Next project for that army would be Dwarf Cavalry on Husky Dogs with filler!


  1. Nice work! These Dwarfs are growing on me...

  2. Hi, how did you convert te pickhammers? Are they just filed down hammers?
