Warlord Kargir Warband

This is my first army project for Warlord. The army will consist of about 30 minis including Black Orcs, Night Goblins, Squigs (yes, Squigs) and Troll. I'm going to use mostly OOP GW models from 5th edition of Warhammer. I think they suit this warband the best, even better than original reaper models. Also I think that Warhammer 5ed line was best mini line ever!


I want to make this warband a nasty, evil look. There would be no place for humor. Thats why I have to chose my goblin carefully as most of Night Goblins are just funny. Also I'll change squigs into something more nasty.

Troop 1: Black Orcs

This is my strongest unit. It would consist of the heaviest orc warriors in this warband. The leader of whole group would be Gologh the Vicious.

Troop 2: Tundra Stalkers

Masters of blade, tundra stalkers are masters at fighting 2 weapons. Torg is their leader. He has 2 tundra stalkerz that will follow his orders. This warband will be also accompanied by Warbringer, an elite warrior. This unit can give a great deal of blows. This will be good versus large quantities of low armored troopers.

Troop 3: Goblin Pack

Leadered by Orc called Hrodash the Painmaster goblin pack is a very important unit of this warband. While not so powerfull in fighting as other troops, this guys can literally swarm enemy units. Hrodash is a true goblin slaver. He wears Armor of Courage (which protects him from goblin bites) and allows to preform free inspire action that encourages goblins to fight with greater furry. Goblins are just goblins but occasionally Knax Madmaw, the goblin crazy shaman, joins this unit. Normally he spends most of his days eating mushrooms and experimenting his spells on other goblins, but when tribe is in need, he strikes at foe.

Troop 4: Mountain Troll

This army wouldn't be complete if there would be no troll in it. Mountain troll is awesome monster. I'll probably get second troll for bigger battles, but let's talk about first one. Mountain Trolls are very tough. My troll will be fighting with axe and shield. Warlord trolls are bit different than Warhammer trolls and no so stupid. Some of troll races have even a shaman which actually can cast incredible spells!

Troop 5: Squig Hyenas

I need some of those units to outmaneuver the enemy. Small units of squig hyenas will add extra initiative card and give mobility to this warband. They are just perfect to rush at enemy to give support to my orcs or to fight with swift attack tactics, slowing down the enemy.

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