Vampire Counts Terrorgheist


Finally I've finished this model. It has lots of spikes and horns and claws. Very nice model, with lots of details and quite fresh look. Check it out!

Tomb Kings Tomb Guard Regiment


Another unit of Guards. This time in standard color scheme from the box cover.

Necrons – Don’t let ‘em get back up!


Here are some Grey Knight Terminators painted by me in GW article how to fight against Necrons.

Check out the whole article HERE.

Dreadfleet Auxiliaries of The Grand Aliance

Three Grand Alliance Gogs, Dragon, and Dwarf Dirigible. The zeppelin and dragon are a nice addition to their parent warships.

Dreadfleet Auxiliares of the Dreadfleet

Four Dreadfleet Cogs included in Game. Those little ships won't damage any warship much, but they can move swiftly between islands to grab trasure tokens. In the game they can be loaded with explosives to set enemy warships into fire.

Dreadfleet Sea Monsters

Three sea monsters: Leech Wyrm, Sea Giant, Bone Hydra. Well the bet part of this game is that you can use those monsters in game to attack The Grand Alliance warships.

Dreadfleet Castle Island

This island is awesome piece of terrain. The castle can be used as a fighting auxiliary, obviously a stationary one, but with nice stats.

Dreadfleet Vulcano Island

Vulcano Island with ghost castle.

Dreadfleet Corpseface Cliff Island

Skull face with glowing eyes is awesome!

Dreadfleet Skull Island and Rocky Isles

I particulary like the skull island with glowing eyes. Looks awesome on seascape!

Dreadfleet Leviathan Island

This turtle-shaped island has an awesome small castle on it's top.

Dreadfleet Shipwrecks

Painted shipwrecks.

Dreadfleet Tokens

Tokemn set for Dreadfleet. The wind token has a little map of the world in the center.

Dreadfleet Battle Reports

Finally I've played my first Dreadfleet battle. The game is awesome! It look really incredible fully pro painted on a beautiful seascape mat. Check out my two battle reports!

First Battle: Scenario 1

The Grand Aliance (played by Pszemek)


The Dreatfleet (played by Rafal)

Bloody Reaver

The Battle

This was First scenario played with Pszemek. Pszemek has chosen The Grand Alliance and I was commanding The Dreadfleet. First battle was long. We were swimming around the islands trying to catch each other, but this was impossible to catch the other ship. Some Fate card made my ship turn into rocks but than I've repaired my ship. Than I've stopped and I've ordered a command Shoot as she Bears! with success. The Heldenhammer find my ship as an easy target to crush in and drop the ship's figure. I've shot scoring two hits and non of those were saved! Than the Heldenhammer'f figure has been dropped but Pszemek rolled 1 and no damage was inflicted. We fought a boarding action and I've wounded a captain of Heldenhammer and also I've scored 1 damage on the enemy ship. On the next round I've won the initiative but I've decided to start as second. Heldenhammer has dropped it's figure once again and again Pszemek has rolled 1 so no damage was inflicted! Call it a bad luck but I believe that gods were on my side. Pszemek's captain was healed by some sea siren. We fought some battle but Heldenhammer hasn't inflict any damage on Bloody Reaver! Instead Bloody Reaver destroyed Heldenhammer by inflicting enough Hull damage to sunk it! Victory was mine!

Second Battle: Scenario 2

The Grand Aliance (played by Pszemek)



The Dreatfleet (played by Rafal)

Bloody Reaver

Curse of Zandri

The Battle

There were some special rules in this scenario. I'd like only to mention that this was incredibly fast game. We followed strictly scenarios terrain and rules. So there was a citadel in the center of seascape. Pszemek had to breach the walls of citadel in order to get control of Swordfysh that was in base to base contact with citadel (until that moment I couldn't fight that ship). The goal was to run away with Swordfysh out of seascape. My ships came in to play at the end of 2nd and 3rd turn! I thought I had no chance to win, but...

The Heldenhammer has breach the walls of citadels in first turn by shooting broadside at citadel. In the second turn I've won the initiative. The cannons at citadel shoot at heldenhammer scoring some damage. I've also scored some damage at Swordfysh in boarding action. After that Swordfysh had escaped jeopardy. Then the Bloody Reaver came in to play. I've won next initiative to and I've sail as close as possible to get best shooting at swordfysh and I did scored some damage again! Swordfysh was trying to escape. The citadel has scored fire on deck on heldenhammer! Curse of Zandri has arrived in this turn. In the next turn I've catch Swordfysh with Bloody Reaver. Obviously the damaged ship had no chances with the best fighting crew of captain Count Noctilus. The swordfysh has sunk in the ships graveyard! Victory was mine again!

My Thoughts

I have to say that like this game very much! There's a bit of luck and a bit of thinking to make your fleet work well. Await more reports with colorful pictures as I will take camera next time. Yarrr!

Dreadfleet Painted!


Finally I've painted Dreadfleet. Check it out here. Soon I'll post more views of painted ships and islands.

Painted Dreadfleet comming very soon!


First set would be sold on eBay. But I'll keep myself a copy of that game. Stay tuned for pictures.

I need to paint 3 more ships which are: Hendenhammer, Seadrake and Bloody Reaver. All are mostly done. Await pictures tomorrow! Yarrr!

Warlord Kargir Warband


This is my first army project for Warlord. The army will consist of about 30 minis including Black Orcs, Night Goblins, Squigs (yes, Squigs) and Troll. I'm going to use mostly OOP GW models from 5th edition of Warhammer. I think they suit this warband the best, even better than original reaper models. Also I think that Warhammer 5ed line was best mini line ever!


I want to make this warband a nasty, evil look. There would be no place for humor. Thats why I have to chose my goblin carefully as most of Night Goblins are just funny. Also I'll change squigs into something more nasty.

Troop 1: Black Orcs

This is my strongest unit. It would consist of the heaviest orc warriors in this warband. The leader of whole group would be Gologh the Vicious.

Troop 2: Tundra Stalkers

Masters of blade, tundra stalkers are masters at fighting 2 weapons. Torg is their leader. He has 2 tundra stalkerz that will follow his orders. This warband will be also accompanied by Warbringer, an elite warrior. This unit can give a great deal of blows. This will be good versus large quantities of low armored troopers.

Troop 3: Goblin Pack

Leadered by Orc called Hrodash the Painmaster goblin pack is a very important unit of this warband. While not so powerfull in fighting as other troops, this guys can literally swarm enemy units. Hrodash is a true goblin slaver. He wears Armor of Courage (which protects him from goblin bites) and allows to preform free inspire action that encourages goblins to fight with greater furry. Goblins are just goblins but occasionally Knax Madmaw, the goblin crazy shaman, joins this unit. Normally he spends most of his days eating mushrooms and experimenting his spells on other goblins, but when tribe is in need, he strikes at foe.

Troop 4: Mountain Troll

This army wouldn't be complete if there would be no troll in it. Mountain troll is awesome monster. I'll probably get second troll for bigger battles, but let's talk about first one. Mountain Trolls are very tough. My troll will be fighting with axe and shield. Warlord trolls are bit different than Warhammer trolls and no so stupid. Some of troll races have even a shaman which actually can cast incredible spells!

Troop 5: Squig Hyenas

I need some of those units to outmaneuver the enemy. Small units of squig hyenas will add extra initiative card and give mobility to this warband. They are just perfect to rush at enemy to give support to my orcs or to fight with swift attack tactics, slowing down the enemy.

Dreadfleet Flaming Scimitar Painted


Flaming Scimitar is now ready to fight! This ship is one of the most interesting in the game. While it is very fast it's still has some fighting potential. It's maybe not very durable, but with help of water nymphs it can last longer on a battlefield. I just can't wait my first battle!

Flaming Scimitar


Gorthor on Beastmen Tuskgor Chariot of Slaanesh


Part of a bigger Slaaneshi Beastmen Army. Commission work.

Beastmen Tuskgor Chariot of Slaanesh


Part of a bigger Slaaneshi Beastmen Army. Commission work.

Dreadfleet Grimmir's Thunder Painted


I've just painted Grimmir's Thunder a steam powered dwarf ironclad. This ship is very nice piece of work. It's very dwarfish with it's design and heraldry. The unique thing about this model is that this is not only a mighty warship but also it is a zeppelin carrier. The game rules allows you to fly those zeppelins in order to get treasures before enemy can reach them.

Grimmir's Thunder


It came from beneath the sands…


Another article about minis painted by Rafal Maj on GW website. I'm more than happy that Dan from GW has posted my Tomb Kings on GW blog. What's more to say, check it out!

Check out the whole article HERE.

Release the Kraken!


Here's a Chaos Dwarf Kraken Painted. The miniature is stunning. Cant wait to paint all those models. Right now, I'm about to paint the Flaming Scimitar and Dwarf Warship. Than I'll be ready to set sails and play the game.

Hope you like the mini. I tried to paint it as close as possible to the original scheme. Hope to finish it soon. Also, the first painted set will be posted on eBay auction.

Dreadfleet Incoming!

I've just bough the Dreadfleet! It's awesome stuff. I'll be happy to play all scenarios and post them on the blog of course with painted minis. While I'll be painting those awesome ships, I'll be also mastering the rules. Hope to get some photos soon.

Well I almost finished Chaos Dwarf Kraken and one island. I'm trying to keep original color scheme as stick as possible. Stay tuned!

Warlord Darkreach Warband

I'm about to buy and finish Darkreach Warlord Warbands. My first choice would be Darkreach Warband (as I already have some reaper minis from this fraction) but I would like to get also Black Orcs of Kargir Warband and icy Dwarf of Kragmarr Warband. I don't really get idea of ice themed Dwarfs but I would like to challenge this project.


Shadow Tactic is nice doctrine versus bigger enemies but since I play mostly against dwarf and gnomes I use Dark Reaches Doctrine. The best advantage is that you can swap minis to make incredible combos. This allows you to keep your best warriors always close to enemies, or to run away with weaker ones.


I like Darkreach theme very much. The best sculpts are: Leila, Avrix and Shiver Spike. Of course there are some worse sculpts too (for example the Shadow Demon or Darkrime Drake). Here's a set of minis I'm going to buy.


► Majestrix Latissula, High Priestess

► Zeshin Nightcreaper

► Evshyvandra Duskwidow

► Tierdeleira, Priestess


► Avrix Dirthe, Champion

► Liela Mordollwen, Sorceress

► Erdolliel Saerwen

► Zalash, Assassin


► 3 Shadowstep Warriors

► 3 Nightshade Warriors

► 3 Shiver Spikes

► 2 Darkshade Raiders


► 2 Phase Cats

I'm going to prox some minis (Phase Cats and Zeshin). It's quite likely that I'll buy those horrible Darkrime Drakes, just to boost up gaming, but they will be probably heavy converted. Hope to start this army project soon.

Warlord Battle Report

Quite long time has passed since I've played Warlord for the last time. Biore returned from holidays so we were ready to play again! We decided to play 500 point scenario with some objectives over battlefield. The goal was to get objectives and run away to own deployment zone. I've chosen to play Darkreach army (I already have some Reaper Darkreach minis). Biore decided to go with Bloodstone Gmones.

Darkreach Warband (Lead by Rafal Maj)

Troop 1

1 Zeshin Nightcreeper

2 Shiver Spike

1 Avrix Dirthe, Champion

1 Shadowstep Warrior

Troop 2

1 Evshyvandra Duskwidow

2 Nightshade Warrior

1 Shadowstep Warrior

1 Liela Mordollwen, Sorceress

Troop 3

1 Phase Cat

Bloodstone Gnome Warband (Lead by Biore)

Troop 1

1 Bata, Lancer Captain

1 Glaktu, Lancer Champion

2 Pinner

1 Guard

Troop 2

1 Naklak

1 Scragger

1 Tunnel Knight

1 Szerda, Priestess of the Stone

1 Stone Zealot

Troop 3

1 Greater Bloodstone Golem


The battle took place in a ruined City. There was a graveyard on the right. In the middle there was a leveled road. There were 3 objective items on the battlefield. First was on the left of the battlefield, in the ruined guard tower. Second lied on a skull tower in the middle. Third was on spiral stairs near the graveyard.

The goal was to grab those item and bring them to deployment zone.


Darkreach Monster, Elites and Leaders were in the middle, Shiver Spikes and Warriors were on flanks.

Bloodstone Golem was in the middle, caster with zealot were on the one flank, foot fighter from Naklak troop were on the other flan. First troop was in reserves.

Turn 1

Darkreach has first initiative card. Leila goes forward and casts a teleportation on cat (he is now 4" from enemy caster). Gmone priestess fails to cast spectral minions. Is attacked by zealot, but no attack dice is rolled. The cat attacks zealot in it's turn and charge sorcere, but again no attack is made. Then Zeshin swap places with Phase Cat and kills evil sorcerer. Golem now charges Zeshin and kills him outright. Gnome Troop 1 sets up on battlefield in Darkreach zone.

Turn 2

Gomes gets initiative. The unit that has bin deployed after turn 1 charges Phase Cat and kills it (Cat has been shocked). I thought that I would probably loose without Zeshin and Phase Cat (my main hardhitters). Leila failed casting burst on avrix. Shiver Spike scored a wound on Guard. Avrix charged and killed Lancer Captain.

Turn 3

Avrix almost killed lancer champion, but gnome rider passed it's Tough test and wounded Avrix. Gnome shooters has missed their attacks at Duskwidow. Nightshade warriors charges and killed both Scragger and Tunel Knight. I swapped Shiver spike with Shadowstep Warrior, and than both shiver spikes killed Naklak. Leila has killed Guard with bolt spell.

Turn 4

Golem has killed one Silver Spike. Than Leila and another Shiver Spike killed both Pinners. Avrix has killed lancer. The gnomes had only Golem left on battlefield. Elves had: 2 Nightshade Warriors (both wounded), Shiver Spike, Duskwidow, Avrix (one wound), 2 Shadowstep Warriors, Leila (1 Mana Point left).

Further Turns

Avrix with other Dark Elves moved in Golem direction. One Shadowstep Warrior run with objective point into my deployment zone. Leila get one obective item at the end turn. Golem killed several elves before he finally died.


Darkreach: 2 Objective Points & 500 Army Points

Bloodstone Gnomes: 0 Objective Points & 361 Army Points

After Battle

The battle was bloody. The last minis on battlefield were: Liela Mordollwen (with objective item), Shiver Spike, Shadowstep Warrior (with objective item), Evshyvandra Duskwidow. If the golem would pass the lifesuck test (6+) when he killed Avrix, I woudn't have any chance to win (no more hardhitters of mine left on battlefield).

Now, I also think I could put Leila and Zeshin in one troop to get more powerful teleport-swap combo. I'll try it another time.

Neuroshima Tactics Cable Guy


My first Neuroshima Tactics miniature by Wydawnictwo Portal. The sculpt is very good. The game itself is very similar to Warzone and Infinity. Skirmish battles in ruined cities of post apocalyptic United States.

The game have very innovative rules, but also a very nice minis. I'm going to collect Hegemony army (punks, criminals, gangsters etc.) and maybe one more late. My friend are going to collect Mutants and Human Forces.

Check out this Cable Guy. His special rule is that he can maintain weapons so it does not jam when he sticks with a band. He is equipped with gas burner and can make holes in metal barricades (it's awesome skill to have an ability of walking through walls).

Mantic Dwarf Miners


Miners are converted from Mantic Dwarf IronClads and Shieldbreakers. Painted to match the rest of Mantic Dwarf Army. Those Dwarfs have pick-hammers and are able to be fielded as both: Miners with filler and Hammerers (Shieldbreakers) with filler swapped with 5 Shieldbreakers I've painted some time ago.

The wolf is supposed to be a Giant Husky Sled Dog, which are second best friends to Dwarfs (well Mastiffs are their first best friends of course). Next project for that army would be Dwarf Cavalry on Husky Dogs with filler!

Ultramarine Librarian


Finecast model. Well I always wanted to paint Ultramarines and now I did. This is commission work. I like the way armor and books came out. I used different techniques then in previous Space Marines nad It's awesome. Check it out.

Space Wolf Thunderwolf Cavalry


This is my attempt to convert Space Wolf Thunderwolf Cavalier. This was not much conversion work, but I really like how it came out. The base is not snowy, well I realy like the details it has, so I left it without snow.

I already have an idea of spear and shield Space Wolf warrior on the Thunderwolf, but this ant gonna happened soon.